1st Day of School

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The day has finally come! Jackson has started preschool! We can't believe it's finally time. He has been so excited for this for a long time (I wish I could say the same). I wasn't planning on putting him in preschool this early, but he was wanting to go so badly and I realized how much he truly needed it. His first day went off without a hitch. He had met his teachers the day before and seen the classroom, so he was all set. We got their early and we found his new "cubby" where he puts his backpack and jacket everyday. He walked in a bit bashful and apprehensive, but he warmed up and did great. He is growing up so quickly! How did that happen and where has the time gone?
*As a side note, if you know Jackson you will not be surprised to know that on his second day of school I picked him up to find a worried teacher with a note explaining an injury he received during the day. She was so concerned and explained how it happened, what they offered him to help make it feel better, etc. He had a pretty big bump on his head, but he told them he was fine and he wanted to play. They just were so worried and couldn't believe he could go on without crying and still want to play after that bad of an accident. Obviously, I had to explain Jackson and all of his clumsiness. I hopefully got through to them so that they don't have to worry unless he actually cries. If he cried every time he got hurt, well... then I would go crazy. Luckily because of the clumsy factor he is pretty tough. I think I will save the letter from the school though, and any subsequent ones we receive, and make a book of them. It may be a pretty big book by the end of the year!