You be the Judge

Monday, January 7, 2008

So, here's the deal. Every time I leave our house, whether it's to the gas station, grocery store, or any other random errand or outing, I get stopped at least 5-6 times on average from totally random people, to tell me that my daughter looks just like that little Shiloh baby. The younger stalkers tend to grab their other friends to point this out to them where as the older women don't know her name and I have to help them fill in the blanks. Such as, "it's that one actress with really big lips that had a baby with that other really good looking young man." "Yes, I know, it's Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie." Then the older lady says, "well, I don't know about that, but your baby looks just like her." It has happened ever since she was a baby and they somehow still look really similar. I keep waiting for when one of their looks will change and they no longer resemble each other. I thought for sure it would have happened by now. I'm not insulted by any means, I am just obviously partial to mine that's for sure. I just wonder if they really look as identical as everyone says. I think they look similar (especially when Gracie gives her super serious face), but maybe I am kidding myself. At any point, I want you all to be the judges. You know Gracie the best and maybe you will have a better insight into this. What do you think? As we all know, I will never be mistaken for or accused of looking like Angelina Jolie. I'm totally fine with that. How is it then that our kids look very similar? Maybe it's the Brad/Kelly gene (that's for you Jenni). The only thing wrong with that theory, is that most people say she looks more like me and my side of the family. It's a complete mystery! However, the only thing I've decided to start to tell these people that stalk my little girl is, that "Brad and I sure would make super cute babies!" Someone just needs to tell him that. I'll be waiting.


Hayley said...

i think it's the cheeks, but i've never really realized it. they do look a lot alike.

i must say though mandy, grace is a lot cuter. like...a lot!

they may be the worlds most beautiful couple, but your baby is way stinking cuter!

Jenni said...

Seriously. Do people actually pay attention to Brad & Angelina's kids? I didn't even know what she looked like. Leave it to Scottsdale.

And, THANK HEAVEN, you don't look anything like Angelina Jolie.....but you already know how I feel about that!

Good luck on the rendevous with Brad. Keep me posted.

Marnee Marriott said...

At least you know she'll always have a job as a look-alike. Wow! I never thought that before of Grace, but now that I see the pictures side by side, there is an uncanny resemblance.

Those blue eyes are definitely a winner though... sorry Brad and Angelina... you have no chance for those beauties.

P. Family said...

I think they look similar, but I think grace is much cuter than shiloh.
I'm family so of course I'm Partial.

Matt said...

Sounds more like this post is hinting that you and Brad Pitt have something going on to get babies that look that similar.

Matt said...

And feel free to keep posting more pictures of Angelina. No complaints here! :)